Friday, September 26, 2003

ATA 32

Checking Main Landing Gear Wheel
When checking the main landing gear wheel assembly on the Westwind 1124/1124A during a tire change or other routine maintenance, look closely at the brake key way liners and reinforcing ring. Attention to these areas will contribute to the longevity of the wheel and many trouble-free landings.The steel key way liners are designed to keep the brake tangs from contacting the wheel assembly. A worn liner can allow the tang to damage the wheel, increasing the chance of cracks. This wear is most evident in the corner of the key way nearest the center of the wheel. Refer to the ABSC Wheel Component Maintenance Manual(CMM) for the allowable wear limits. During this check, also ensure the reinforcing ring is securely attached to the key ways. The rivets holding the reinforcing ring can appear to be intact when, in fact, they are broken. If replacement of a fastener is required, don’t forget about the washer between the ring and flange. An oversized rivet may be used within the guidelines of the CMM to repair loose or elongated holes.

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