Wednesday, March 5, 2008

ATA 27

Aileron Push Pull Tubes
It was brought to our attention that FAA AD92-12-02 and IAI SB 1124-27-144 are not in agreement. An Alternate Method of Compliance (AMOC) has been completed by the FAA to correct the disparity. The AD states to replace the existing control rods P/N 513506-503 with a P/N 513506-503RE or -503RD. The issue is when you comply with the SB 1124-27-144 by replacing the offending push pull tubes with the stainless 513506-505, you are no longer in compliance with the AD

Please refer to the IAI AMM 27-00-00 Flight Controls
Contact Worthington for a copy of the AMOC for your records (ANM-116-08-182R1)

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