Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ATA 55

Horizontal Stabilizer Aft Fitting inspection: Worthington Aviation has requested and has received an Alternate Method Of Compliance (AMOC) for Airworthiness Directive (AD) 89-12-08. This AD concerns the inspection criteria for the horizontal stabilizer splice (aluminum). The AD states, (paragraph C) “if cracks are found, replace the splice fitting prior to further flight, in accordance with the following IAI Service Bulletin entitled “Horizontal Stabilizer Assembly –Inspection, Repair and Improvement (AFC 2037), as appropriate”. The Service Bulletins listed do no reference the replacement of the fitting with the titanium fitting (453005-509) hence the continued inspection criteria remains in the body of the AD (paragraph B).
Since then IAI has come out with the -509 titanium fitting and had changed the AMM Ch 5 to reflect the changed times for inspection for this part.
This AMOC references the -509 titanium fitting and the changed inspection times for this fitting.

Please refer to the IAI AMM 5-20-06 pg 202
Contact Worthington for a copy of the AMOC for your records (ANM-116-08-212)

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