Thursday, December 1, 2011

71-00-00, AD2005-05-15

As you all know this AD is coming to a head with the amount of aircraft engines that have not complied with it. This is applicable for the TFE731-3, -3A, -3AR, -3R, -3B and the -3BR engines. Engines that are using the LPT1 disc part numbers 3072070-all, 3072351-all, 3073013-all, 3073113-all, 3073497-all and the 3074103-all are to be replaced by December 31, 2011. Honeywell has noted that there has not been the compliance to this as forcasted hence there will be alot of engines looking for discs at the end of this year, or looking to swap for engines that have complied with this AD. Shop availability will also be an issue.
Speaking with Honeywell they stated that originally the AD did not have a due date and that the FAA had added the date for compliance reasons. If you have not had your engines updated please contact your local Honeywell Authorized engine shop so that an order is placed with Honeywell to generate a procurement hit. currently there is a 90 day lead for manufacturing and all that are in the current production run are allocated to customers.

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